Unfortunately this blogs bigger part is written in German.
But there is a little shop included where you can buy photographs and it is translated to English (as well as some articles). So you can appreciate the pictures also on your wall!
Notice: Pages with products only available in German are not translated or, if the language doesn’t matter that much, you will be adverted to this factor.
Fotoausstellung in Kautzen
Line – Shape – Color
Photo exhibition in the museum Kautzen (Lower Austria) from Sept. 9th to Oct. 8th 2023
Sundays and Holydays from 9-12 and 14-17
Opening: 10.9.2023, 16:00
Son of the Velvet Rat in Retz
A concert of the core of Son of the Velvet Rat with a short-time guest (Veronika Humpel): Georg Altziebler and Heike Binder with interesting new versions of their well-known songs in Retz (Lower Austria).
Stbp—“One color, many nuances”
The results of the 37. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“One color, many nuances”
Stbp—“Back light”
The results of the 36. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“Back light”
Wieder im Oberen Kamptal
Nach längerer Zeit wieder einmal (kurz) im Oberen Kamptal zwischen Roiten und Utissenbach, dem Ort legendärer Foto-Workshops in Eis und Schnee und glühender Hitze. Diesmal aber haben wir endlich einmal einen Hirsch gesichtet:
Aufgenommen mit dem Lensbaby Velvet
The results of the 35. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
Quellen der Wirklichkeit
Man säe nur, man erntet mit der Zeit”
Tausende Fotografien schlummern in meinem Archiv. Seit ich selbst archivechte Pigmentdrucke herstelle, haben sich etwa 150 davon materialisiert. Die aktuelle Serie, an der ich zur Zeit hauptsächlich arbeite, heißt „Quellen der Wirklichkeit” nach dem Roman „Das Wort für Welt ist Wald” von Ursula K. LeGuin. Zwei Beispiele:
Stbp—“One shot only”
The results of the 34. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“One shot only”
Stbp—“The Shadow shows the shape”
The results of the 33. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“The Shadow shows the shape”
Stbp—“Hard edges”
The results of the 32. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“Hard edges”
„Gespenster” in Kirchberg/Wagram
Gespenster sind wir, Gespinste, Hirngespinste. So werden wir gedacht. Die Welt ist groß, und wir sind ein Teil von ihr, eingewoben, ob wir wollen oder nicht. Und es zeigt sich, dass ohne dieses Gewebe nichts bleibt, das hervorgegangen wäre aus dem Allgegenwärtigen, Alleinen. Was wir sehen, ist Gespinst; was ist, ist Gespenst. Wer aber sieht, und ist nicht … hervorgegangen?
Ich freue mich auf meine Teilnahme an der Ausstellung
„Positionierung #5780-83”, 2017 (getonte Cyanotypie, Ausschnitt)
Stbp—“Shoot through glass”
The results of the 31. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“Shoot through glass”
Stbp—“Cropped subjects”
The results of the 30. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.
“Cropped subjects”
Stbp—“Round forms”
The results of the 29. round of our project “See the bigger picture” are on hand.
Please click on the thumbnails to see the photographs bigger!
The associated “knowledge cards” are mentioned.